Giving Tuesday
The holiday season kicks off a time of giving and gifting. As a retailer, trust me when I say that I'm just as excited for the season as you are, but this year, I'm focused less on the gifting and more on the giving. As always, Fig & Flower will be participating in the usual Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday sales (get those details here!), but this year, we're also celebrating Giving Tuesday.
Giving Tuesday is happening on Tuesday, November 29th, and I'm so proud to be participating. The date is reserved for the day after Cyber Monday and is a time for everyone to come together for a global day of giving. For some, that means donating time, and for others, that means making a donation. At Fig & Flower, we're using Giving Tuesday as a day to support one of my favorite causes, the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics ("CSC").

The CSC, a project of the Breast Cancer Fund, lobbies and seeks to overhaul the regulation of chemicals in personal and beauty products. These chemicals are linked to adverse responses (with breast cancer potentially being one of them). Generally, people with compromised immune systems going through chemotherapy avoid these chemicals which is why the campaign is a project of the Breast Cancer Fund.
I feel personally connected to this organization for a few reasons. Firstly, Fig & Flower is a member of the safe cosmetics industry. I take pride in supporting my fellow green beauty warriors who are working to make the beauty industry safer and more transparent. I even had an opportunity to contribute to one of the most recent CSC reports about unsafe Halloween makeup. How cool is that?!
Additionally, as a former attorney I know that the most tangible results for consumers will come from policy reform. Concrete policy reform will ensure that citizens are protected from unsafe chemicals, and lobbying is how we make change. Joining forces with the CSC is a way to support the lobbying efforts that will get policy changed... versus just putting good products into the universe.
Essentially, I wanted to give back beyond the store and beyond simply selling nice products. Getting involved with the CSC was a good fit for me and for Fig & Flower's mission. Our Giving Tuesday will focus on that, and 20% of proceeds from that particular Tuesday will go to the CSC and the Breast Cancer Fund. Additionally, a portion of sales through the end of December will go back to the CSC.
I'd love for you to shop with us on Giving Tuesday (and of course, any other time you want) to help us give back to a great cause. Join me and Fig & Flower on our mission to make the beauty industry a better place.